1. All accounts at which water service is available at the water meter are considered as an active account unless designated as an inactive account as defined below.
2. All active accounts are billed on a monthly basis with payment due in full at the time of the assigned due date. A minimum billing or more will be charged to each account.
3. A bill to an account is considered as a lien against the property for which the service was provided.
4. Service is subject to termination if the account remains unpaid beyond the 15th of the month.
5. Accounts that have been terminated (shut off) must pay the full amount due plus a turn-on charge prior to service being reinstated.
1. An inactive account is one that service has been discontinued as a result of bankruptcy, removal of meter, or other circumstances as approved by the Board of Public Affairs.
2. Inactive accounts are not subject to a monthly minimum service charge.
3. A reconnection fee, as established by the Board of Public Affairs, must be remitted prior to an inactive account returning to an active status.
4. Accounts that have the meter removed must pay the full amount of the current installation (water tap) fee to have service begun again.
1. Accounts are subject to involuntarily termination (shut off) if the balance due is in excess of $25.00 and the account remains unpaid for a period of two months or more.
2. In order to make an involuntarily terminated account active, the total amount due for the account must be paid as well as a turn-on charge as established by the Board of Public Affairs.
3. While an account is in involuntarily terminated status, the meter to the address will be shut off, locked and service to the account will be denied.
4. Involuntarily terminated service will continue to receive a minimum bill per month or more.